Sunday, November 4, 2012

..add a dash of Greek-Art !


     Even though were not making a recipe for Art History I thought it was cute..anyways, Greek art interests me the most because of all the statutes of gods and goddesses, its beautiful what people cam make form their creativity and marble... take a look-- :)

Statue of Youth-600BC
This statute is believed to represent Apollo or a athlete.This is one of the earliest statues of a human figure carved in Attica. The statue marked the grave of a young Athenian aristocrat. (full 3-D sculpture) 

 The 3 Goddesses~435 BC
  These three statues are said to be welcoming Athena, as she is being born. For this sculpture the models had to wear wet cloth to get the right look. 

Kritios Boy
This statue is in Contrapposto position, in which he has one knee bent and weight shifted to one side. 
This was a big accomplishment for the Greeks to master this position. 


The Dying Gaul-
This is a copy of the original made by the Romans. Here it shows the rope around his neck showing his social standard, this is usually used for if you are fighting.

 The Parthenon ~
 This is a temple dedicated to the Goddess Athena. Inside was a 40 foot Statue of her covered in Gold. Though after it was finished the city was going into war and needed the gold to fund it so Athena was striped of the Gold. The Parthenon was destroyed on one side due to a cannon hitting it. The pillars you see, alone, are 33 feet tall. There are 700 Million pieces to this Building and yet none of them are the same.

The Porch of the Maidens ~

This is located on a building on the Acropolis, Here they used statues of woman instead of columns. Porch of Maidens attached to the Erechtheum.  This building, the Acropolis, next to the Parthenon, the most important building of the great age of Greek sculpture.  The Maidens stand four on the front and one on each end supporting with their heads the top of the portico.  This is the best example of using human forms in place of columns.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The good OLD Egypt times

From the Ancient Artifacts, to the beauty of Nefertiti, I found it all right from the books. Take a little look...

 Le Mastaba

Inside Drawing

 The Mastaba was made by Imhotep who happened to be the first Egyptian to build structures. Mastabas were made out of limestone.

 a little interesting History...
The Egyptians were know for their belief in an afterlife. This was reflected in their architecture and mostly by the enormous amounts of time, money, and manpower involved in the building of their tombs. Egyptians believed that the soul could live only if the body was properly preserved. Initially embalming methods were used, and later architectural tombs were devised to preserve the corpse indefinitely. The body would be placed in a deep, sealed chamber such as a Mastaba.  In order to preserve the remains, the ancient Egyptian priests had to devise a system of artificial mummification.

To find where this information is found or to collect some more info Click Here!
Moving on to the great pyrimid of Khufu, 
The Giza

These pyramids are known to be the oldest of them all! Also one of the Oldest seven wonders of the world!

It is thought that, at construction, the Great Pyramid was originally 280 Egyptian cubits tall, 146.5 meters (480.6 ft) but with erosion and absence of its pyramid-ion, its present height is 138.8 meters (455.4 ft). Each base side was 440 cubits, 230.4 meters (755.9 ft) long. The mass of the pyramid is estimated at 5.9 million tonnes. The volume, including an internal hillock, is roughly 2,500,000 cubic meters. Based on these estimates, building this in 20 years would involve installing approximately 800 tonnes of stone every day. If your Interested in learning more Click me and ill take you there!

A really interesting part of the Egyptian culture was something called the Spinx....

Ariel View

It may not look big but this thing was massive!! 240 feet long and 66 feet tall, the Egyptians believed that this, half man half lion protected their pyramids from robbers.

statues from the front view

The ABU Simbel
This enormous statue was built for Romses the Second. This statue was carved from living rock! There was not a meaningful purpose but to make the front of the temple look good. In this picture you can see small statues by his legs, those are small statues of his Wife.


Mummy (KING TUT)

A look inside the tomb

This was one of the most famous architects found. It was so famous because the tomb was so preserved and the architects inside were in great shape and untouched.

The great, and beautiful,

The Bust

A artist view on how they believe she looked

Nefertiti wasnt only famous for her great beauty but for her title as Queen of the Sun-cult.

Egyptian Drawings

The Egyptians had an odd was of drawing their people. Though some may say the proportion is pretty close to accurate, can you see whats not? Facing the front is their shoulders and hands, facing sideways is their eyes, legs, and face.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Once Upon a Time {In History}

Here's a few pictures and facts you just may find... interesting. :)          -PREHISTORY-

             There has not been any civilization who has not used any type or forum of Art. 

The Great Serpent Mound

The Serpent Mound, located in Ohio, was made by a tribe, and is 1070 CE length 1,400 (426.72 m)

Venus Of Willendorf
 Being said to be the goddess of maturity, Venus of
Willendorf is the size of a pinky. This small
statue was made in Australia, around 20,000BEC.

Lascaux Caves

These french caves, made in 1500 BC, are 
larger than they  appear, being each bull is 
a nearly 16 feet long!

Stonehege, located in england contains some
forums of art and the post and lintel construction. For there
being no explanation how these stones have assembled this way
some believe that aliens, or some sorcery was used to achieve this mystery.


This pyramid, built in six stages, made for the
second king of the third dynasty. Made around 2575 B.C,

The Great Gallery
Yet another mystery on how the drawings have appeared here,
most likely a tribe, these cave drawings have been found in Canyonlands, Utah.  


  Found in 2009, assuming this artwork if from the ice age. yet the ice age was near Europe, and this piece was found in Florida.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Breath Of the Blogging Life

Photo by: Megan Alicia Brown

Basically what the title is 
 saying, is hello, and welcome to my blog! This is more of a class assignment if anything. This is not a personal blog, its more creative than that. This Blog is going to be filled with  stitches of facts and art pieces to make one big idea; Art History.